Martin: There, you finally look like a human being again. You shouldn’t wait so long between haircuts, you cheap son of a bitch.
Walt: Yeah, I’m surprised you’re still around. I was always hoping you’d die off and they’d get somebody in here who knew what he was doing instead of the do-up dago you are.
Martin: That’ll be 10 bucks, Walt.
Walt: 10 bucks? Jesus Christ! What are you, half Jew or something? You keep raising the prices.
Martin: It’s been 10 bucks the last 5 years, you hard-nosed, cheap, Polack son of a bitch.
Walt: Keep the change.
Martin: See you in 3 weeks, prick.
Walt: Not if I see you first, dipstick.
Gran Torino, Malpaso, 2008. Guión y dirección de Clint Eastwood.
*Dedicado a R. -hermano- y a la testosterona. Inclúyanse mis disculpas, de ser necesarias.
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